Chronic fatigue management

During this episode, Bev shares her chronic fatigue journey and where she's at now, what the causes have been (multiple), what's helped her and she did a Q&A answering several of your questions that came in on instagram, thank you for those. 

This episode includes a 3 minute movement meditation to calm the mind and boost your energy and mood.

This episode was inspired by Anna Marsh, after being interviewed on the Chronic Fatigue and Burnout Recovery Podcast, Anna asked me the question: Do you have specific Mindfulness Pilates classes for chronic fatigue recovery? At the time I didn't but said was open to it, although regularly teach clients who have an ME or chronic fatigue or long covid diagnosis, but good news, thanks to this question, there are now free taster classes on zoom for Chronic fatigue management Mindfulness Pilates classes, regular classes and 121 programmes.

Thank you Anna for this inspiration. 

There are maximum 5 clients in the beginners and taster classes, maximum 10 clients in classes so that they are high quality, tailored to you, there is individual attention and you can work at both the right level for you personally as well as work in a good alignment and technique. 

Let me know if you tune in and how it helps you

Love Bev